Richard Zachariah with Mimiele, a fellow treechanger and budding racehorse.

Richard Zachariah with Mimiele, a fellow treechanger and budding racehorse.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Autobiography – Richard Zachariah

Richard Zachariah, who Adelaide Hills residents are getting to know as the Treechanger because of his writings in a local magazine , The Adelaide Hills Magazine, is a journalist and broadcaster of 45 years experience. Beginning at The Age, Melbourne, in 1964 he has worked in newspapers, radio and television in Australia and London.

Zachariah is the author of the best selling 1999 memoir ‘Zachariah’ and co-hosted the ground breaking, top rating ABCTV Home Show with his then partner Maggie Tabberer (1990/93). Prior to that, in 1988 he co-anchored Seven National News in Sydney and previously compered the national current affairs program 11 AM. He was guest compere on radio 2UE and panellist on 2SM.

Zachariah has written columns for News Ltd publications, The Sunday Telegraph and The Australian on general subjects and sporting passions, racing and AFL for the past 15 years and contributed feature articles for Friday, the Fairfax Rural Press magazine published Australia wide.

Zachariah was also heard regularly as a guest on ABC Radio 702 morning show with Virginia Trioli.

Zachariah has lived 20 years in rural Australia and has a special lifelong affinity with the bush after attending Hamilton College in the wool boom years between 1952/59.He finished his education at Brighton Grammar School in Melbourne where his father, Harry Zachariah, was a famous 50 year mentor and deputy headmaster.

After returning from London in 1970 where he worked with BBC TV covering the Irish troubles for the mass audience Nationwide, Zachariah satisfied his dream of being a farmer, running a beef/dairying operation outside Maffra in East Gippsland. He continued in that role until leaving for Sydney in 1985.

Later he operated hobby farms in the McDonald Valley and at Mittagong, Southern Highlands with Ms Tabberer where he bred cattle and thoroughbred horses, including owning the dam of Group One winner Mr Innocent.

While in Gippsland, Zachariah won a Penguin Award as best country broadcaster while anchoring the GLV10 news between 1981/85 and for seven years broadcast AFL on radio 3TR.

From 2004 Zachariah lived in Sydney with partner Sarah Hyde and stepdaughter Mimi, 11 before buying Annandale, a 15 hectare vineyard and horse breeding property near Woodside in the Adelaide Hills in May, 2008.

Zachariah and Hyde and daughter Mimi live at Annandale where they wrestle with the daily problems of living in heaven!


  1. should have stuck with maggie who had more class than him.

    1. Well spoken however I think Maghie is well rid of this scrounger, he literally had Maggie keeping him, what an excuse for a man.

    2. Plus he was cheating on her. What a scumbag. Hey Richard there was only 9 years between you and Maggie, try a different excuse. Guess you bludged all you could. Maggie deserved better

  2. That's a perfect comment above. Richard always was an arse with no class.

    1. A right arse hole, biggest bludger eve4 known. Plus he was not good at his job. Maggie you are well rid of this shyster

  3. What stupid comments! Any fair minded person who bothered to read his autobiography would find his period with Maggie handled with probity generosity. He had no desire to put the boots in but simply outlined that in many ways and particularly with the age difference they were looking at the world through different lens. His forthright and quite erudite book showed a man - yes, flawed but with considerable intellectual integrity and a good grasp of the pitfalls of life. It is a most interesting read and highly recommended and I was not a fan of Mr Zachariah before reading it. Now I could not recommend it more as it teaches you a lot!

    1. Yes but is it the truth? He was cheating on Maggie while letting her keep him in the life he felt he deserved. Shyster

    2. Why is there no mention of the woman he married after Maggie T, it's like she didn't exist.

  4. Fairminded aka Richard Zachariah...the only thing he will ever be remembered for will be doing the dirty on Maggie Tabberer, and that's all he deserves.

  5. Too true. He was a prick in Gippsland and still is

  6. I have read Maggie's book very bitter a lady knows when to leave a room. Women like her so bitter leave stale fish on ur water bed and turn up the heat. SHAME and she accused Richard of having no class I was shocked reading it

  7. I saw him at Rosehill Races about 25 years ago. Beautifully dressed and groomed and very self-aware of how good he looked. Unfortunately, he was so far up his fundamental orifice he was nearly coming out of his own mouth! Oh well, we all lose our charms in the end.

  8. He was never accepted in any good circles of society that he aspired to. And he realised it and gave up . He could have been a much better person if he had stopped trying to be what he was not.
